21 Day Abundance Meditation from Deepak Chopra

Cultivate the habit / mindset of abundance, personally and collectively.


  • For 21 days, I’ll share the intentions as prescribed by Deepak Chopra’s program.
  • Once you complete the daily intention, you will post in this group ONLY: “Day X complete”

** 10 minutes for the meditation at a convenient time
** 10-20 minutes to complete the task of the day.


  1. Realize your blocks, fears and limiting beliefs in the area of wealth, health, anything!
  2. Actively heal them by opening up an infinite source of abundance.

4 steps to clearer communication

1. Start off in the right place.

If you’re in doubt about what your listener already knows or comprehends, simply ask. As you start to explain, he suggests, ask questions like “Do you already get this?” or “Is this making any sense?”

2. Don’t go too far down the rabbit hole.

Most of us love to learn — but we can absorb only so much at a time. Avoid bombarding people with too much knowledge at once. It’s better to explain, say, three things that someone will understand … rather than barrage them with a whole load of information that kind of undoes all of your good work to begin with.

3. Go for clarity over accuracy.

It’s better to come up with a simpler explanation that maybe isn’t completely technically correct but it gets the point across. Settle for establishing a basic understanding in them. If they want to know more, you can build upon that knowledge and create a more complete — and accurate — picture.

4. Explain why you think your subject is so cool.

If you’re taking the time to explain something to someone, there’s probably a reason you’re doing it — either you think it’s super-important or very, very interesting. The more you can communicate your enthusiasm to others, the more likely they are to feel that way too. One way to do this is give examples that demonstrate how the subject is relevant to their lives can bring it to life for them.

Reference: https://ideas.ted.com

Deadlines & tribes

This is the big secret. This is how you get deadlines to work (without breaking them) – effortlessly. This is how you enter the “just get it done” mentality (without overthinking) – effortlessly.

Your brain is wired to keep up with whatever tribes you’re a part of. When you’re surrounded by a tribe of people who are getting things done at an insane rate, your brain is wired to FORCE YOU to keep up with them – and also get things done at an insane rate.

Conversely, when you’re surrounded by a tribe of people who make excuses and get nothing done and output low-level work – then that’s what YOU end up doing too.

It can be summed up in a phrase I’m sure you’ve heard before: “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

This is also why if you lose a ton of weight, your significant other & family generally tries to cut you down if they’re still overweight (you’re not part of the tribe anymore!). Or why “the rich get richer” (because they hang around other wealthy people, which leads to new ways of thinking… and deals being made… and advantages that people without that tribe will never know).

The point is that the easiest way to level up your life in any specific way is to find a tribe of people who have exactly what you want… and then just join them. That’s it.

It slowly starts to change your thinking and actions and behaviors to match the tribe.

Reference: ExecutionClub.com

Waking up early

Early risers reap many benefits. Some of these benefits include the following:

  • Being able to go through your morning routine in a calm and leisurely manner instead of being rushed.
  • Having time for introspection and getting yourself in the right frame of mind.
  • The quiet morning hours are a great time to get things done.
  • You can get an early start on your goals, such as getting daily exercise or tackling a 30-day challenge.

Waking up early will also allow you to practice good habits which will help you to start your day in high spirits, ready to tackle anything that life throws at you throughout the day.

Reference: Daring to Live Fully