21 Day Abundance: Day 4


Make a list of people whom you consider to be prosperous in your family or environment.

These are people you personally know and have access to. They have achieved their goals in life, all or in part, are happy, or are perceived by you as happy.

Important! We are not talking only about financial prosperity, the obligatory component is the joy, the happiness and fulfillment that this person is experiencing!

These can be people from the previous list. How much does not matter, even two is enough.

Please remember, the more attention and reflection you give to these simple tasks, the greater the return.


From this moment forward, I invite unlimited abundance into my life.


Aham Bramasmi
Aham Bramasmi

OPTIONAL – Write the answers to the questions below in your notebook or simply answer them yourself.

QUESTION N ° 1: What does it mean to you to be immersed in pure consciousness?

QUESTION N ° 2: How can you bring this awareness into your everyday life?

QUESTION N ° 3: How has the practice of meditation helped you connect with your pure consciousness?

Have a great meditation and an abundant day! I remind you to send “Day 4 Done”, when you complete the task and meditation! ❤

Audio: https://youtu.be/a_7GluJQhXQ

In the process

First, everything (substantial in life) is a process.

You don’t wake up with a new skill fully born in you. Even if the foundation is there, it takes you months or years to master it.

You don’t recover from a loss overnight. It becomes a healing process in which you live your life day by day until you renew your Inner Self and overcome the sadness.

You don’t educate your children in one go. It becomes a journey of growth, in which you are challenged to walk your talk.

Credit: Small steps

Taking small steps

Inch by inch, life’s a cinch. Yard by yard, life’s hard.

That’s a great wisdom, indeed. A cinch means an easy task, something natural such as a child’s play.

When we focus on life as a whole, we can’t master it. When we focus on a big problem head on, we are overpowered to face it. When we focus on an important life decision, we get stuck.

Future apprehends.
Size overwhelms.
Analysis becomes paralysis.

Yet… when we approach problems and decisions by taking small steps, the solutions are being slowly created. Or revealed.

Credit: Small steps

21 Day Abundance: Day 3


Draw notes, checks, stocks, bonds, coins, and any other means of payment in your beautiful notebook.

Draw so much to pay off all the debts and expenses you wrote down yesterday. 😉😉

Now you have complete freedom to create and draw a solution. We draw in order to make it possible to pay for everything you need in the universe!

Use your imagination, your creativity and felt-tip pens, pencils or paints etc.

Draw bills, coins, wads of money, bags of money, rain of money – whatever you want! 🤑🍀🎋

Remember, this is not about a drawing lesson, but about allowing yourself to create your reality and let it manifest into your life.

While you are busy designing and coloring, feel the satisfaction of creating a balance between debts and expenses and the means of payment that you create – as if it were a real payment of your expenses and debts.

Have fun with it!


*Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life. *


Sat Chit Ananda
Sat Chit Ananda

After you complete the assignment report in the group “Day 3 Done”.

Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dABqJ_eJw4c

21 Day Abundance: Day 2

It will seem simple to some people but not to others.

Remember that if it is difficult for you to perform any task, then it is clear that there is a block – an obstacle in your mind on the path towards attaining abundance.

Be aware of this and STICK with it!

Write all of your debts in your notebook.

Debt on a bank account, credit cards, loans, debts to individuals, court debts – all of your debts, of any kind.

No need to record the amount, only to whom and for what.

For example: a mortgage, a car loan, a debt to VISA for a gift to a friend, etc.

And after that make a list of all your monthly payments.

Again without numbers, just listing.

For example: rent, utilities, property tax, an accountant, child care, a music tutor, a gym, a manicure, insurance, gasoline, etc.

Everything you have to pay each week, month (or year) should be recorded.

In general, create a complete list of sources of your monthly expenses, constant and changing.

For some, this list will be extensive. Give yourself time to calmly walk through all the areas of your life in which you pay money. You may need to add what you remember even throughout the day.


Write this phrase of the day in your notebook:

“I create my personal abundance from an infinite source. “

Aham Bramasmi

Answer the question, “What does abundance mean to you?” If you want, you can write the answer in your notebook.

May the energy of abundance of this beautiful group continue to grow and fill us all!

After you complete the task, please write “Day 2 done.”

Have a beautiful day! ❤🙏

Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLvdBf9fAWU

21 Day Abundance: Day 1

Hello everyone!

If you’ve already done Day 0 (today Sunday), amazing! After Day 1, I will remove anyone who is not participating.

Here is the meditation Day 1, to be completed by MONDAY by 11:59PM PST.

Some may want to do this tonight, others tomorrow morning to start their day or during the day.

Day 1

Here we go!

After you complete the task, please write:

“Day 1 Done.”


In your new notebook or notes on your phone, make a list of 50 people that have influenced your life.

They can be both living and already departed people, your relatives, friends, and celebrities, writers and personalities whom you do not necessarily know personally.

Everyone who has influenced you, and contributed to your growth & development.

The list must have at least 50 names.

In the process of making a list, think about why you chose the person. What has changed in your life for the better?

Move calmly and thoughtfully. Remember the best things about each person in the list and what they bring into your life.

Trust in the process!

I recommend putting your phone on silent at this time so that no one will interfere with you (children and everyone around you too).

Your list may be more than 50 people. But not less!


  • Today I behold the abundance that surrounds me *

This should also be written in your notebook and remembered during the day as often as possible.


Meditation can be done before or after the task. It’s up to you!

This is the Mantra you will repeat during meditation:

Co Ham
So Hum


  1. Meditation: repeat the mantra listening to the audio.
  2. Write the phrase of the day in your notebook:

“Today I behold all the abundance that surrounds me.”

Remember it during the day.

  1. Make a list of 50 people who have influenced your development.
  2. All of this is due by Monday at 11:59PM PST. (Of course you’re can always choose to complete earlier.)

Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC8rb2myLMU

21 Day Abundance: Day 0


This meditation is 21 days and Sunday is zero day – the creation of the group and intentions.

Rules and Arrangements:

  1. After the publication of the daily task, you have 24 hours to complete it. All tasks I will lay out the night before.


  1. If in the task you need to write something, write by hand, with a pen or pencil on paper. I recommend you have a nice, special and separate notebook.
  2. Before you write, come to a calm state. Using slow deep breathing or meditation. You can complete the task after Deepak Chopra’s meditation.
  3. Please send questions in private message to me. No need to leave comments or “thanks” in the group.
  4. Be fully focused on the daily task, allocate time and space for it.
  5. If you cannot participate, or keep the rhythm of the program, please remove yourself from the group. Make this decision on your own. It is important for us to maintain the flow so that the energy input into this process does not dissipate.
  6. After completing the daily task, please write the completion statement. For example, “Day 1 Done” as a confirmation for all of you. There will be days in which I will ask you to leave other comments.

Every day there will be a published task, affirmation of the day, an audio file with an explanation and a Deepak Chopra meditation.


*If you have questions, please do not write them here, but send either me in a personal message or text.

This group is only for meditations, tasks and group energy concentration.

You may consider and I recommend turning off notifications from this group.

This process is an opportunity to learn how to allocate time for yourself and your development every day. Have an awesome adventure!

Today’s Phrase:

“Starting today, I constantly attract abundance with my thoughts”

I recommend writing the phrase in a notebook and return to it several times, the more the better. Mahatma Gandhi taught us to remember our thoughts generate words, words generate actions, actions generate habits, habits generate character, and character breeds destiny.

If you read all the rules and agree to follow them, please write in the comment “Day 0 done” by Sunday 11:59PM PST.

This will be a test of the fact that we are on the same wavelength.

That’s all for today!

Take risks

Highly successful people are not afraid to fail because they know that when they do, they’ll learn a lesson and get better. And they say “yes,” even when doing so might be scary. In fact, experts believe that risk-takers climb the company ladder faster and are early adopters of technology. People who are risk-averse, however, often are viewed more negatively in the workplace. If you want to succeed, look for opportunities to stretch yourself and push your own boundaries.

Credit: Inc.com