Sell by educating

Sales 101

People want to buy




Bring insight that is beyond the obvious.

Educate and enlighten.

Giving them things they don’t know.

Reading a brochure is showing.

Repeating information is showing.

You want to be selling.

Selling ain’t hard when you know how.


The Minimalist’s Strength Workout

Five exercises that will guarantee you have the strength to adventure all weekend, well into your eighties.

Like most athletes who would rather be outdoors running, riding, swimming, or hiking, I don’t set aside much time for the gym. Yet I fully realize the importance of building general strength and mobility—not just to support my outdoor activities, but also for everyday health and fitness. I’d like to be able to unload groceries, haul suitcases up and down stairs, and bend over to put on my shoes well into my eighties. That means I have to go to the gym a few days a week. But when I’m there, I try to focus solely on the essentials. (If you’re willing to buy a kettlebell, some dumbbells, and a pull-up bar, you don’t even need to leave your home.)

Minimalist workout for all-around strength:

  • 3×6 pull-up
  • -3×8 goblet squat
  • -3×16 push-up
  • -3×8 lunge
  • -3×8 single-leg deadlift
  • (2-3x week)



Selfawareness is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don’t align with your internal standards. If you’re highly selfaware, you can objectively evaluate yourself, manage your emotions, align your behavior with your values, and understand correctly how others perceive you.

Day 3 – Habit stacking

The concept of habit stacking is a set of habits, a script of your morning routine to make sure you get the most of your morning and prepare yourself for running the day like a boss.

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.” — Jim Rohn

Big Rocks, Pebbles and Sand: How To Make Things Happen

Big Rocks are things like your bucket list items, non-negotiable goals, your dreams, your true + authentic desires, things you can do to make your business more successful, things that fulfill you, things you can do to make this a healthier and happier world for yourself and others, etc. (Healthy lifestyle, travel, quality time with loved ones, launch or grow a business, your faith or spirituality, etc.)

Pebbles are the things you love to do or need to do but they aren’t crucial to your happiness, success, or fulfillment. (House projects, watching your favorite TV show, book club, piano lessons, etc.)

Sand is your mundane day to day tasks. (Checking emails, laundry, walking the dog, paying bills, grocery shopping, etc.

The jar is your life, your time, your energy, your budget, your resources, etc. You only get one jar.

Reference: A Kind Journey