Warren Buffett’s 5/25 strategy

Step 1: Write down your top 25 goals.
Step 2: Draw a circle around your top 5 goals.
Step 3: Focus on Your Top 5 Goals and Say No to the Rest

If your goal is to get fit and stay healthy.
Using the 5/25 strategy, write down your top 25 health goals i.e. to lose 20 pounds, sleep early and wake up early, stop eating junk food etc. Then, circle your top 5 health goals and focus on these only.

If your goal is to grow and scale your business.
Using the 5/25 strategy, write down your top 25 business goals i.e. to create new products and services, hire more staff, invest in marketing. Then, circle your top 5 business goals and focus on these only.

If your goal is to build meaningful relationships.
Using the 5/25 strategy, write your top 25 relationship goals i.e. spend more time with family, spend more time with friends, build business relationships etc. Then, circle your top 5 relationship goals and focus on these only.

Credit: Warren Buffet’s 5/25 strategy

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