Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
The best revenge is 🤫
Psychology says, the best revenge is none.
Forgive, forget, and focus on your journey.
Invest in what makes you happy, better, and at peace.
Men are happiest when we are building 💯
Physique, businesses, finances and relationships.
That’s what really matters.
Consistency is 🔑
In business, remember:
- Ideas are easy.
- Execution is hard.
- Consistency is harder.
Start and don’t stop.
Trust it.
Don’t rush the process.
Trust it.
Great things take time.
Best yourself
Your job is to be the best version of yourself and then invite others to join you.
When a boy is heartbroken he finds another girl.
When a man is heartbroken he finds himself.
When a girl is heartbroken she finds another boy.
When a woman is heartbroken she finds herself.
Embrace the L
There is no losing, only learning.
There is no failure, only opportunity.
There is no problem, only solutions.
There is no failure, failure is the mother of all success.
Keep going.
It takes years.
Then happens all at once.
Every failure.
Every small win.
Every hour spent on a vision, that only you can see.
They all count.
An overnight success starts with 1000 nights in darkness.
Keep going.
Don’t fear failure.
Fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today.