The Queen’s Gambit

Every man needs a woman, but sex doesn’t hold a man. What holds a man is the way you treat him and be by his side in difficult times. Like a game of chess, the queen always protect the king.

Part 2

Ongoing Learning & Achievement – We must have grit and a growth mindset, to achieve academic, career and personal success; in order to overcome lack of concentration, productivity and progress. Worthiness & Self Confidence – We must gain greater self awareness, self acceptance and self compassion, to increase worthiness, influence and power; to overcome lack of self belief and […]

Risk Taking & Courage

To thrive and have a meaningful life, we must become more courageous, curious, open to new experiences and see uncertainty and failure as opportunities, to obtain greater abundance, prosperity and Courage; in order to overcome fear and worry about the future. Emotional Wellbeing – We must harness positive emotions, to obtain peace, tranquility, happiness, harmony and balance; in […]


Don’t try to minimize your expenses, try to increase your income. There’s a floor to how little you can spend, no ceiling to how much you can make.