21 Day Abundance – Day 22

It’s not over till it’s over!! 😉
A gift from Deepak Chopra – Day 22

Happiness and humanity

Day 22!

This day is a present from the Chopra Center and a bonus to the KEY TO ABUNDANCE program.

Today, we will hit the road to heal the world. For three weeks together we examined the concept of fertility in all its manifestations.

In today’s meditation, under my guidance, we will increase our consciousness by sharing this immense abundance with all of humanity.

QUESTION N ° 1: How will you now live in abundance?

QUESTION N ° 2: What should happen to you so that you finally abandon your previous prejudices about lack?

QUESTION N ° 3: What can be your contribution to the healing of the world today?

Audio: https://youtu.be/HiuU7kqEkp4

21 Day Abundance: Day 21

Wow this has happened so fast! Thank you all for staying committed to your Abundance expansion throughout these three weeks.

It has been a true honor to share this with you into a new decade. This is the decade of more Abundance than we ever imagined before, coming in all of its glorious forms from love to money to opportunity to wisdom and beyond.

Many thanks and blessings to Deepak and his team for sharing this. And blessings to all the waves of people you are sharing this with that will create infinite waves of abundance rippling through our world.

Much love to you all!

Here’s the final completion exercise and meditation…

Message Day for Day 21:

Are you familiar with the seven “switches” of happiness?

🌟 give to your neighbor
🌟 transmit (love & light)
🌟 let go (of things that do not serve you)
🌟 indulge (live life to the fullest)
🌟 give thanks
🌟 give yourself (be of service)
🌟 forgive

When these seven become part of your life, happiness will flow into it simply and easily.

Everything is energy and its flow must be circular and continuous in order to return abundance to you. This is how the law of reciprocity works.

Energy current ↔️ influx/flow ↔️ money/abundance

Keep your channels open and clean so that your energy can flow unhindered! Remember to stay present. This is YOUR time!

Your future is in your hands; you make choices and decisions every day, every moment.

How you use your time, with whom you spend it, and how you feel at every moment determines your life.

  • Key Takeaways:
    🌸 awareness
    🌸 gratitude
    🌸 recognition of value & abundance

Thank you everyone for your participation, presence and energy invested in this process!


Post to the group a video or audio report describing your experience of journeying through these 21 days of plenty. (Or just write a message if you find it difficult to record video and audio.)

In the report, say (write):

  • Your name
  • Where you are from
  • Yesterday you reflected on your journey up until this point. What were your results? What did you learn/gain from this experience?
  • Did you like participating in this journey and moving towards abundance in a group stream?
  • And tell us what you do in life, what you offer, and then tell us what ideas for projects you have.

Perhaps here you will meet like-minded people, partners or people interested in your services.

Use all of your creative abilities, describing yourself and your experience. 🤩😇 And remember that brevity is the soul of wit. 🙂


“Every moment of every day I live my life abundantly”

*Mantra: *

So Hum

Enjoy the coming days!

Audio: https://youtu.be/sXgr0fdVTzA

Headless websites

The newest form of headless technology can be found in websites. Traditional websites have their own back-end and front-end (graphical user interface). All the pieces work with the same code base and communicate directly with each other, making the website as a whole. However in a headless installation the front-end is a stand-alone piece of software, which through API communicates with a back-end. Both parts operate separately from each other, and can even be placed on separate servers, creating a minimum version of a multi-server architecture. The bridge between both parts is the API client. The endpoints of the API are connected to each other.

The biggest advantages of this technology can be found in performance optimisation and flexibility of the software stack.

Source: Wiki