Gratitude visualization

Take a moment right now to think of three things others have given you:

  1. A small kindness someone did you.
  2. A gift that mattered to you.
  3. Something that makes every day a little better.

Close your eyes. Take yourself back to a place in time of one of these acts, and relive how it felt – the sights, scents, and sounds. Re-experience it with awe, and experience those feelings in a deeper way.

After this visualization, recognize that small things are happening for you. Don’t overlook them or take them for granted. Next, take a moment to feel a sense of being cared for, thought of, loved. This should boost your self-esteem and self-confidence. Last, know that just feeling great is not the end goal. Let this reflection lead to you feeling like you want to reciprocate with love by giving back to those who have given to you, or by passing on the love and care to those who don’t have it.

Ref: Think Like a Monk